Do you know this insidious
monster that haunts you every time you’re not aware of? I’m sure it was after
you too. Maybe it was attractive and lured you into things you love, like scrolling
through your Instagram feed or watching your favorite YouTube videos. Maybe it
glued you to the recent intriguing book you got or to the phone chit chatting
with a friend.
Oh, I know
its tricks all too well by myself and I confess I gave in too many times. But
now I’m fighting my way out of this trickster’s claws and bringing about a
Ok, let’s be
real. It’s quite comfortable creating an image like this in one’s mind and often
it’s absolutely necessary to be able to identify where certain stagnations are
coming from. But knowing and doing something about it are two very different
animals, so I started actively working on this issue that I’m having an unhealthy
relationship with on and off in my life. I guess deep down inside I always wondered
where this is coming from, but now I’m coming to a point where I have to face
it and do something about it. Especially now where my heart centered business
is within my grasp.
this issue in Tarot readings seemed a good way for me getting to the bones of
the matter. So I
researched Tarot spreads and found this one created by Beth Maiden from
Little Red Tarot. It's called 'Finding your Mojo' and is simple and helpful kick ass spread to get unstuck.
© Joie de Vivre U.S. Games Syst.c.2011. All rights reserved. |
Although it
really was a kick right up the ass with some pretty amazing cards showing up, I
searched for more. And while I was listening to exclusive video content by Kelly-AnnMaddox where she addressed a similar issue, it triggered something and it
almost felt like an afflatus. I grabbed a pen and started to sketch a spread.
It came very naturally to me and I’m happy to share it with all of you who are
fighting procrastination in their lives and wonder about their part in this play and
how to move on from that. Cut through
all self-made obstacles with this faithful blade.
1. Which
obstacles am I constantly building up that stop me from stepping into my power?
2. What
does my Shadow think the reason for this is?
3. a - b What
steps will lead me out of that?
4. An
affirmation that will empower me.
Will you seize the blade?